Now that the whole world is in quarantine and continues to live in unprecedented conditions, we understand that communication and creative energy cannot be stopped. It is time to rethink and learn to live in a new way.
Modern opportunities are limitless, we are close, no matter what countries we live in. Perfection is not achievable, and we are always moving forward, so now is a great opportunity to learn the technique of speech and the artistic word. Now more than ever we are going through these troubles together.
In this context, the Association of Russian-speaking theaters of America (ART), with the support of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation and the Russian Center of the International Association of Amateur Theaters (AITA), decided to conduct a series of classes for theater workers working in Russian around the world. This project was called the online THEATER PROJECT "AUTUMN SCHOOL".
During a series of master classes, managers of amateur Russian-language theaters studied the basics of directing, acting, and speech techniques. In total, the project involved more than 40 people from different parts of the world, working not only in the United States and Canada, but also in Italy, Finland, Israel, Russia, Turkey and the Baltic States.
The class on Directing was led by Mikhail Nikolayevich Chumachenko, Professor of the Department of Drama Directing at the Russian Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS). During the master class, M. N. Chumachenko analyzed and touched upon the issues of staging prose material of the fairy tale "Adventure of Pinocchio". In the second lesson, using the method of effective analysis, the relationship between the proposed circumstances and events in the play-fairy tale by A. Tolstoy was compared.
The second master class in the series of seminars was an acting class. Classes were taught by Roman Mikhailovich KALKAEV, an actor of the Moscow Theater of Music and Poetry under the direction of Elena Kamburova, a theater teacher, a member of the Union of theater workers of the Russian Federation.
The master class on speech technique and artistic word was conducted by Nina Denisovna Amelina - theater and film actress, speech teacher of the school of speech under the guidance of Elena Laskova and the Moscow school of Radio and Television.


Many participants wrote words of gratitude to the organizers and pointed out how important such events are during the quarantine period, when artists and theater workers in particular are the first to suffer.

 "I want to express my gratitude for organizing a great seminar.
And for opening my eyes and giving me inspiration! I am not alone, there are many of us and we are a great interesting community from all over the world. “, wrote one of the participants of the school.


Association of Russian-speaking Theaters
11706 Coldstream Dr.,
Potomac, MD 20854, USA
Phone: 301-461-0648