All students are expected to: BE RESPECTFUL to everyone and everything. Respect is the thing that governs every artistic discipline. Students who are truly motivated to embark on this journey must realize that this business is built upon RESPECT. We expect that you will respect the students, staff and facilities at all times.
While we can’t expect to tell you everything that you can and can’t do, the following are guidelines for appropriate behaviors:
- Arrive early and fully participate in all classes, rehearsals, and performances.
- Behave politely and maturely at all times.
- Follow all safety guidelines set out by counselors and staff.
- Respect property at all locations.
- Treat students and staff with respect at all times.
- Fully participate in a daily clean-up of rooms as assigned by counselors and staff.
- Store all over the counter medications and prescription medications with the nurse, who will direct the administration of these drugs. This includes aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen, etc.
The following behavior will NOT be tolerated:
- Continuous disruptive or destructive behavior.
- Bullying or violence toward other students or staff.
- Being in any campus buildings unattended, including dorms, without permission.
- Disturbances after evening curfew.
- Being in any other dorm room than your own at any time.
- Leaving dorm after curfew without adult supervision.
- Leaving camp without director’s approval.
- Use or storing of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, or any non-prescribed drug or illegal substance.
Failure to comply with any of the above may result in expulsion from the program without refund.